Thursday, December 4, 2008

If you have spare time, check out my baking blog!

I really enjoy baking and have been making recipes and posting the recipe along with pictures so that others can try them too! I really want to go to pastry school someday so I think this is fun practice =)


Here's another book that I really enjoy. Pretty much everyone is into the Twilight series at this point. In the beginning I didn't want to like it at all. I mean come on, it's a book about vampire love. But honestly you don't even notice that he's a vampire while you're reading it. It's just an amazing love story. I applaud the author for being able to convey her story without it seeming fake or creepy or scary.

This is another book that has been turned into a movie. Like usual, I was a little disappointed by the movie compared to the book. I usually paint such a picture in my head of what the characters and settings look like, so the movie doesn't meet my expectations. This was not as bad because I had seen the trailors before I started reading, but I hate that it wasn't everything it could have been. Hopefully the sequels are better!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Gossip Girl

I know this seems random buttttttt I keep thinking about this show and how amazing it is. And this got me on the idea of evaluating the writing on different shows I like.

In GG, the setting is New York and it's pretty much all drama. The show is based off of a series of books which I have read. I definitely prefer the show to the books though! The characters have so much more personality!

I wish I had the imagination to write stories or come up with ideas for a book or movie!


I'm so excited that this class is almost over! It's totally surreal though! Like I can't believe that I have written all these papers! I'm glad I have made my new friends though and have had a good semester. I feel like our class gets along really well and we are going to miss eachother =(

On another note. I need to write about 20 more of these, so I might be writing 3 a day for the next week haha This should be exciting!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


I guess I forgot about this for awhile! This class is going pretty well. Jill is obviously my best friend and she has made this class seem a little bit easier. I need to finish my papers and put my portfolio all together. I'm sure everything will come together though!

<3 Maddy

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I've got a bracelet too...

I watched the debates last night as much as I could, and was pretty impressed with how it went. Both candidates made valid points and seemed very poised and prepared for this. Obama did an awesome job though, defending himself all along. I thought he was also very respectful the whole time, while McCain seemed stand-offish and rude. He spoke about Obama in the third person instead of directing his accusations and questions at him. His body language also spoke negatively for him. Obama, on the other hand, spoke directly to McCain and was the first to extend his hand for handshakes and positive gestures. All in all, it was an interesting debate and I was proud of myself for watching most of it.

ps- Don't you think Michelle looked alot prettier than Cindy =)